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Christ Church Presbyterian Horizontal Tr

Our mission is to glorify and enjoy God as we gather, grow, and go

Morning Worship | Sunday at 9:30am
Evening Worship  | Sunday at 5pm


Engage with Us

We would love nothing more than to meet, worship, and pray with you. See the many ways to engage with our congregation.

What We Believe

Christ Church exists to make disciples of Jesus Christ who love, worship, and live as God commands in His Word. We seek to accomplish this mission by God's grace through the means of prayer, Word, sacrament, and fellowship.

If you are unsure what to think about religion, if you know little about Christianity, or maybe you are cynical towards the church, we welcome you to come, talk, meet Jesus Christ and some of His people here at Christ Church.

Current Sermon Series

Sunday Morning Series

This is for a quick summary of whatever sermon series is listed above - words words words words words words words words

Sunday Evening Series

This is for a quick summary of whatever sermon series is listed above - words words words words words words words words

Midweek Teaching Series

This is for a quick summary of whatever teaching series is listed above - words words words words words words words words

Contact Us

5520 Ball Camp Pike
Knoxville, TN 37921

(123) 567-8910

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